Social Media I (Kerri, Elizabeth, and Dakota)

The podcast’s main focus was about the Chinese social credit system and our view points on the system as a whole. As a team we collected our information from the video and reading (by Elgan) which was provided to us in class. The Chinese social credit system is in place to create an ideal “model citizen” in society based on rules and regulations. When a citizen does not obey the system they are “black listed” in a public shaming manner, of which can be humiliating to the individuals and their families as they are to be outcasted as pariahs. In the advancement of our technology, we as a society have been exposed to this social credit system similar to the Chinese, with companies that are now gaining power to “black list” customers. Now, the question is, when will this small amount of power become too much power?
The podcast’s main focus was about the Chinese social credit system and our view points on the system as a whole. As a team we collected our information from the video and reading (by Elgan) which was provided to us in class. The Chinese social credit system is in place to create an ideal “model citizen” in society based on rules and regulations. When a citizen does not obey the system they are “black listed” in a public shaming manner, of which can be humiliating to the individuals and their families as they are to be outcasted as pariahs. In the advancement of our technology, we as a society have been exposed to this social credit system similar to the Chinese, with companies that are now gaining power to “black list” customers. Now, the question is, when will this small amount of power become too much power?
Aaron Chia Yuan Hung